If you stop trying to win, than you won’t have a chance. It’s like running a marathon. You can’t win if you don’trun and the more training you do, the better your oddsof winning.
No matter what you do in life, if you practice over and over you’ll see improvement.
- Maintain a positive mindset.
- Constantly work toward your goal.
- Have a short memory when it comes to past failures
Self-Reflection Questions:
I.Do I keep trying through the tough times or do I give up?
II.Do I reward myself for the little accomplishments on the way tomy bigger goals?
III.Do I see good in everything?

History has passed. We can’t change history no matter how hard we try. However, we can make choices and decisions that affect our future. Take time to dream about what you want the future to hold, instead of living your life in the past. The past only diverts your mind from the great things that are waiting for you in your future.
- History is meant to be read about, not re-lived.
- Start planning for the future.
- See life as exciting and adventurous instead of something you have to merely get through.
Self-Reflection Questions:
I.Am I constantly looking for ways to improve myself?
II.Is there anything I’d like to do or say, but something in mypast keeps stopping me?
III.Do I tend to think negatively about situations because of thingsI’ve dealt with in the past?

Everything in life is an experience you can learn from. Beit good or bad, if you take the time to absorb the wisdom which comes from these experiences, you can use them to better yourself and the lives of others. If you’re wrong,there’s no shame in admitting it. It takes a bigger person to admit when he or she has made a mistake than it does to place blame elsewhere.
- Admit when you’ve made a mistake.
- Learn from your mistakes to avoid making thesame one twice.
- Use your experiences to help others.
Self-Reflection Questions:
I.Do I realize that I’m not always right? Am I willing to admitwhen I’m not?
II.Do I make it a point to avoid past mistakes?
III.Have I used my life experiences to help others?

Every day is a gift we’ve been given free of charge. We mustn’t waste it away! Instead, make the most of each and every moment. After all, we don’t know just how many we’ll end up getting in our life.
Wouldn’t it be sad to know that we’ve simply wasted away such a precious and meaningful gift?
- Set goals and know where you want to go.
- Learn the value of life.
- Remind yourself every day that life is a gift.
Self-Reflection Questions:
I.Do I know and appreciate the value of my life?
II.How did I effectively use my time today?
So many people see themselves as failures when something they are working on goes wrong. For this reason they scrap the whole idea. What do you think would happen if they had instead started the process over again,knowing what they didn’t know the first time around? Greatness just might be achieved, but they never took the opportunity to find it because humiliation taking over.
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
- Don’t wait for opportunities to come your way –create your own!
- Opportunities can arise in the oddest of places.
Self-Reflection Questions:
I.Do I truly understand the power of the lesson learned?
II.Can I put my pride aside and try even harder?
III.Am I comfortable enough in my own skin that I can start over without feeling humiliated or shameful?
1 comment:
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